These women have found such joy in their images, in their experience, and in themselves that they sometimes will beg me to show them off. I'm like "oh yes girl absolutely!!!'. When I have someone ask me if the women on my website are models it makes me want to email all of my featured clients and suggest a career change.
I imagine it would go something like this:
"Hey Nancy!!!! Just wanted to let you know that someone took you for a model today. You may want to quit being an orthopedic surgeon/saving lives and pursue some print-ads for Victoria's secret."
While I am completely flattered that bits of my work could be mistaken for a modeling gig, it is more flattering to my clients that others see such a classic form of beauty and sensuality in them. My clients are moms, teachers, surgeons, newlyweds, independent-women-that-don't-need-nobody, accountants, lawyers, and all around HUMAN. If the result is that they end up feeling and looking like a model, then cool. The ultimate goal, however, is for them (and YOU the viewer) too see their OWN individual beauty in a way they never have.