Atlanta Boudoir

OWN Boudoir Blog

This boudoir blog details up-to-date information, boudoir sessions, boudoir tips, and photography insights from OWN boudoir studio. This blog is the best place to find current boudoir work, travel dates, product descriptions, and internal musings! Can't get enough of this boudoir blog? Check out my Instagram! It's full of new boudoir sessions and photography.

When I try new things...

Shooting in the same space day in and day out could render some photographers bored and uninspired. I won't lie to you and say that my mind is fresh each day I shoot. I will say that since I know to expect this 'photographer's block' occasionally, that I generally can predict it and work hard to prevent it's affect.  

Thus enters my experimental phase. On days when I am feeling this photographer's block I will try corners, positions, lighting techniques, lenses, distortions, etc. that I have never tried before. Looking at the same couch corner through a new eye, a new exposure, or a different fabric (read: I put fabric over my lenses sometimes) will help me to create beautiful new images. I could forgo the stress of trying to dream up something new; after all, m clients have (usually) never been photographed this way before and wouldn't know the difference. However, if I'm not excited about their images, then they probably won't be either. Experimentation leads to excitement from both myself and the client. 

I always tell them when I'm experimenting, and most of the time I get a quizzical 'God, please dont' make me look awful' look. Once the experiment is through though, I more often then not get the 'Good lord, follow me around everyday and make me look this awesome' look.  

Here is an example of one such experimental day. I told Maude (not her real name) that I wanted to experiment on a few different lighting techniques, and she obliged. She also didn't really have a choice. We viewed her images today and this was her absolute favorite:

I have an awesome set of blinds that break the sun rays apart just right. I rarely get to use them for boudoir because it has to be just the right time of day (or not cloudy). This shot was an experiment gone completely right.

I have an awesome set of blinds that break the sun rays apart just right. I rarely get to use them for boudoir because it has to be just the right time of day (or not cloudy). This shot was an experiment gone completely right.
