What to wear: choosing different styles for your boudoir session
Bringing several outfits to a boudoir session can show off your unique personality. And good news: you don’t have to break bank to have more opportunities to play dress up!!
Don’t be afraid to pull from your existing wardrobe and pick pieces that you feel confident wearing. A variety of outfits can accentuate our favorite parts, and hide and parts that we'd rather stay hidden.
I loved the sassy Miss L’s diverse style, which included a suggestive one piece sweater, a vintage style bra set, and figure flattering lingerie.
Skirts, sweaters, existing bra sets, jackets, and button-ups are all things that we can usually find in our closets. If not then they are always pieces to choose from off of the 90% off rack at Macy's (they are looking out for us!). Picking items from your closet will ensure that you're comfortable and will also almost always promise to show off a truer 'you'.