Feature: Sheets only | Atlanta boudoir photographer
The allure of the ‘sheets only’ look probably hits about 8/10 of the women that walk (or saunter?) through my boudoir studio’s doors.
Sheets are a beautiful way to forgo the lingerie, show off your natural beauty, and create an image of what we HOPE we look like during our sleeping and, ahem – “loving” – hours.
These beautiful boudoir images were created during a recent ‘sheets only’ session here at my studio in Atlanta! Though I am traveling a lot more these days*, one wardrobe request has stayed consistent across the country and that is the request for a naturally sensual ‘sheets’ set.
See… lingerie isn’t a necessity :)
*The asterisk is so that you know WHERE I'll be traveling to. I've been to Portland, Seal Rock, Vegas, and Chicago this year. In the upcoming months I'll say "HELLOOOOO!" to New York, London, Dublin, Miami, and New Orleans. Come see me!!!!!